
Yeah. After that point I actually found myself agreeing with a lot of what he said, which might be concerning.

But your poo-pourri is precisely the point McAfee is making- You were targeted by Google-based YouTube’s metrics to sell you poo-pourri. No doubt the government now knows our desires for clown-scat-orgies too.

He has got to be SERIOUSLY pissed. McAfee just took the nerd vote away from him wholesale.

Surprisingly that’s the most unconventional thing he said, when he said this I had high hopes but the rest of the video is sedate, calm and as far as I could tell completely rational. Other than his calling out the government for being computer illiterate in an age when cyberwarfare is the combat method of choice

...could not have anticipated a world in which spy cameras are hidden in cactuses...

Christ. We literally have Trevor from GTA5 if he wanted to be Tony Stark trying to run for president. McAfee makes Donald Trump look like Ralph Ellison. I love it.

She had me at “Vigo The Carpathian” eyes.

Funny... and terribly sad.

A bunch of years ago, before cable had the guides, I was flipping through channels late at night and stumbled across the “Other Candidates for President” debate on C-Span. Apparently, New Hampshire always does this where they give every candidate for President that’s not in a major party a platform to give their

At least the anti-vaccers finally have their man.

“Bad thing happening in place 2” doesn’t make “bad thing happening in place 1” not bad, it just means there are two bad things.

Well, this wasn’t a legal governing body. This was an informal tribal council that has been declared illegal by India’s courts. But if you want to expand that just a little bit, let’s talk about any US subculture that regularly accepts — overtly — the rape of women (forced arranged marriages) or even young girls. I’ll

Say something bigoted and then scurry away while pretending the people calling you out are picking on you? How very typical.

Lawns have been brown or absent in my rapidly gentrifying neighborhood for years, because many residents don’t have money for landscaping. Please reconsider your use of the word “ghetto.”

I will respond to you once more, and then I will dismiss all comments from you hereafter. I very seldom do that in the interest of free speech.

I keep imagining this:

If you’ll read the other comments on this post so far, you’ll see how real this is for all women. Street harassment isn’t flattering, and sharing your experiences with it isn’t bragging. If you’re a woman, it’s happened to you, and if it’s happened to you, you know it’s degrading, disenfranchising and anything but

Ugh, so much this. I’m so sick of thinking, Wow, you have no idea what you’re doing. Maybe if I shift my hips a little it’ll help you’ll find it. Nope. Still nope. Don’t bite! It’s not a freaking chew toy! And if I’m not screaming within a minute and a half like every woman he’s watched in porn, he wants to give up —