
THIS! So much. I spent most of my childhood/teen years wishing I could stand up for myself, failing, and replaying that failure over and over, esp. since the people I most needed to stand up to were family, friends, teachers, etc. (Mainly for emotional and physical abuse, tho some sexual harassment as well.) I finally

As someone who has been through more than one assault, I can tell you that unwanted touching *is* arousing; it arouses in me the desire to become extra-specially stabby to the toucher's genital area. Similarly aroused are the desires to puke violently and hide in a safe place 'til the flashbacks cease. Sexy times,

Kudos, very well said!

Oh wow! I wish I would've read your and justifiable's response to this before I wrote mine - you both explained how I felt so eloquently I needn't have bothered. Amazing job! Also wish I didn't have to type my responses on a buggy, ancient phone.

The actual photos were beautifully done, the way they were used was horribly done. Death is one of the main themes in art and some of my favourite paintings, novels, poems and films deal with it, often quite brutally (although for the record, I'm *not* a horror fan.) However, using the real deaths of real women to