
He was born in Chicago, but it is true that he grew up in Missouri.

Alternate reality? Maoist China and the Soviet bloc were real places.

"Roberta Williams became a celebrity in her own right, for inventing an entire genre of gaming, as well as launching a number of successful franchises. There was no mass push to discount her accomplishments because she was a woman. "

Chicago is the South?

"though “jokes” seems pretty generous, as they were more like references to anti-Semitism itself being funny."

This episode deserves better than a C+ and definitely a better score than the Honda commercial episode.

What is going on? Why are none of the comments about the community review?

What happened to Keith Phillips? He was a better writer.

David Duchovny, played a DEA agent, not an FBI agent in Twin Peaks.

Where is the review for five and six?