I'll stick with Freemake. At least they're not trying to be dicks about it.
I'll stick with Freemake. At least they're not trying to be dicks about it.
The difference is that you're implying that it is a rip-off, rather than having the balls to actually say it and be mocked for it. ;)
Definitely fair enough, as a Deadhead is apparently loyal to the very end.
Damn, you beat me to it! :P
It's called he has bad aim, and weapon damage seems about right- no 2-4 shot kills will make this a must-play for me.
Oh yeah, because everything that's in the Sci-Fi realm is Halo. Please.
And that's implying that the Grateful Dead wrote good music. ;)
Consider giving this a day or two on Gamefly or Redbox when it releases.
Just watch: Courtney Love's going to try and conjure a way to get Kurt 'to perform again.'
Only CTF and TDM were available in the beta; Zones and Deathmatch will be in the final game, along with Prospector mode (a la Co-op.) Also, you could quickly change between Flight and Mech mode- it honestly needed a 'cooldown' function to prevent exploiters from performing the 'Transform to Mech - Fire perfect Homing…
If you're concerned about the Build and Battle system, DON'T BE. If you don't want to use it, let someone else on your team do all the work for ya, then grab your guns from the Supply Bunkers and Watchtowers.
Yeah man, you completely missed out on it, while I was in the beta for 17 weeks. Fun stuff.
Oh, also Mike, that's why you join a clan to have your back. Care to join a group that isn't full of elitist pricks? ;)
Hell yes, it's good to see the Space portion of the singleplayer. Any chance this is on the Youtube channel so I can link this to my clan forums?
Well, I'm hating my current sinus infection, but at least I'm not carrying this...
Ha, good call. It's been too long since I've seen that.
I can see the 'four corners' idea work well for the touchscreen all-in-one, Dell Duo, and tablets, but those without that touch capability, it feels incredibly weird, and there's interference with window buttons when the window's at fullscreen.
Wow, I'm surprised that after the horrible interface that this project is still running...
5th Amendment. Right.
Soooo... you wouldn't mind me writing a script that will unlock these characters, right? After all, I did drop the $60 Day 1...