Hmm, which is the lesser of two evils, Dino Rossi or Patty Murray? I guess that depends on who you talk to.
Hmm, which is the lesser of two evils, Dino Rossi or Patty Murray? I guess that depends on who you talk to.
@AchaBacha: Say no more, Say no more!
@Metro Charts: Yeah, Bad Company's a good one, and I really enjoy Killzone 2.
@Aaron Huebner: Ha. Looks like these guys knew better. MW2 is a slap in the face to the tactical shooter.
@njchessboy: Spam Spam Spam Spam
@ATarantola: I DON'T LIKE SPAM!
For 6, are you referring to the Marketplace from the desktop software, or from the phone? If you're talking about the former, I'd say your point is rather nitpicky. Hitting Marketplace - Apps - Windows Phone is not that hard to do, although they could do with making the text on the devices catagory larger.
@yodaddy: Oh yeah, because having an amazing living is hell.
@milesteg: Well, I try to take the Star Wars dialogue in a different light, getting rid of the 'blast it!' and many other horrible lines from the prequels. I think that there is hope left in some of the book series, though.
Sweet. Freeman did a really good job as Arthur Dent. Oh, and arguments against the H2G2 film do not apply here.
@Eric Mackay: That's quite the slippery slope you've got there; tread with caution.
@Cobalt720: Corruption starts where the corporations evade the taxes and points to the public to pick up their tab.
@anonpwny: It's a farce, I tell ya! It's all going the way towards fascism! Anyone got any aluminum?
@DCKan2: I disagree, Lucasarts still goes through a thorough process through any media in the Star Wars universe that wants to be published to meet Lucas' 'vision,' if you will. Oh yeah, and make sure things don't contradict the timeline...
I love my technology, but the price is extremely prohibitive; well, maybe not to the narcissist.
@N7: That was quite amazing.
@Joe Stoner: It's the ol' Bait and Switch tactic, just like what SCEJ just did with the GT5 release date this morning. Marketers will be the first of the idiots to go when the revolution comes.
@ether3a1: I've met one person who also owns an HD. ONE! It is an awesome device, though.
@ericesque: Heh, I've actually got a couple of Mac guys to say they would get a Zune HD if they could use it on OSX...
@KiriCat: Well, it's been said that Lois' dad is a dick...