
Been with Manchester Orchestra since the original release of Like a Virgin. They lost my interest with the last two albums. But this one is spectacular. Excited to see it live.

I was at the taping for this and walked out of there with no hope that they would ever be able to piece together a coherent HBO special out of it.

"One thing to keep an eye out for is the fact that Fieri never actually takes a bite of a wing"

"Adults already know suicide is bad"

This reads exactly as disjointed as his live show, which was an incredible spectacle. Still waiting to see if the HBO special ever actually airs. I walked out of there certain there was no way they could piece it together into something comprehensible enough to air.

Isn't that the helmet worn by evil/Ultimate Reed Richards/The Maker?

They're really finding interesting ways to fit X-Men characters into the Avengers franchise.

Degrassi: RELOADED

Degrassi: RELOADED