Darth Vader

I need IV drips of this everyday. Put it in my veins!! This Cheeto piece of shit is freaking out and it gives me such pleasure. Does it make up for the suffering that he has caused to millions of Americans and thousands at the border? No, not even close; but I am loving that his president = untouchable facade that he

We have had years to learn and anticipate the GOP misinformation, deflection and false equivalencies that they use to battle for the public opinion on the crimes that Trump commits while in office. I completely appreciate the humor in this article; what I really want to see though is a major news outlet (CNN, MSNBC,

This is less about the result and more about the action. Impeachment is always convoluted and difficult to understand. And the only possible result if this is a quick dismissal by the senate.

While I would absolutely love this, not a snowballs chance in hell

I long for the days of “Respect for the office” and any investigation was met with full cooperation because if you have nothing to hide, then why not? Now all we have left is childish “that’s not fair that will make me look bad”

Please keep it up, you are killing it today!

Memphian and life long grizzlies fan here:

I came here to say the same thing.  Dude has completely lost his grip with reality.  

This unfortunately needs to keep happening. I get it can be frustrating to see these assholes awarded more national mind share with TV time. What we need to remember is that everything they say on camera, every time they make a TV appearance, is more rope for them to hang themselves with. They all committed crimes,

If we are going to talk about the last election, tRump got destroyed in the popular vote. He is less popular now than ever. So if you want to throw out polls fine. Those are facts and those facts are exactly why he is shitting his pants right now.

If polls mean nothing, you are basing your argument on your gut feeling that people will see “truth and Trump.” Dude Trump has lied over 12,000 times since taking office. I think its pretty telling that you believe people are too embarrassed to admit they support 45, as they very well should be. There is no such thing

This has got to be a troll. You have voted Dem in the past, but the Kavanaugh hearing has driven you to the right; the home of lies, racism, classism, white supremacy, nepotism, and religious hypocrites?

Please remember “Stable Genius” 

This needs to be posted on every Trump article on every website until he is out of office. We need “Trump” and PussyAssBitch” need to become synonymous. 

Oh but have you seen his big coffee cup?

Also: “why can’t we buy greenland?”

So TL;DR: Washington policy doesn’t agree with American populace desire? I am stunned

I bet they have a whole dead(firing) pool for each cabinet member, and the members that replace them.

Too much tomato in this take