Darth Vader

FoxNews and Carlson top tv ratings every week in the US. This is the problem. His message is getting to millions every time he is on TV. So we can yell all we want in the comment section about how horrible Fox is, but there is no accountability for them, so they are going to continue to stoke the fire of controversy

There have been reports on Epstein’s pedophilia that date back years... Are you suggesting that the Deep State planted this story before Trump took office on the contingency that he became president so they could eventually discredit Trump? Jesus Christ man, that is crazy batshit, even for those Q guys.

This shit needs to stop getting coverage. The amount of shits I give about Stephen A is zero. The coverage about his coverage makes him seem relevant and he is not... so can we please just not? 

You need to more thoroughly explain your point. It sounds like you are saying “Latin America is in bad shape; people flee the bad situation for the US; they end up in detention centers(another bad situation); BUT better in detention center than in life threatening Latin America.”

Correct, a new generation of people radicalized by the US to hate the US.

If this was any other company, the people posting this racist terrible shit would be fired.  I would like to see a follow-up of this story with numbers of people fired due to this facebook discovery

He needs to be very careful here on promising things he can’t follow through on. White people are in the majority of homeless in the US. There are also somewhere near 50,000 homeless veterans. If Trump really intends to “fix” this problem, he faces the wrath of his base if he doesn’t do it in the right way. That means

This shit kills me, Trump invents a border crisis by burning down (an admittedly flawed) immigration system. The rational American citizen is screaming about the mistreatment of people because there was no plan before Trump lit the match because that isn’t the way he works. The anthems of the conservative “they

The value in him testifying is that he can accurately state what is in the report. So far all that whitehouse and fox news have stated about the report is that it is a “total exoneration.” To the casual/ tunnel vision conservative there is good reason to believe that lie, because no one has formally indicted Trump on

I am fucking done with people with the last name Sanders... I hate to be prejudice, but Jesus Christ, it feels like people with that last name are in competition with each other for who is the biggest piece of shit moron.

At what point are we going to say that the crimes of the US government committed at the border and at these detention facilities is worse than the illegal immigrant reaching the US.

Trump needs a war to get reelected.

This cartoon is perfect. Wartime presidents get reelected. This just feels like a campaign strategy at this point and that is fucking disgusting. The fact that thousands of people are going to needlessly die, so our narcissistic president can stay on his throne for 4 more years is almost to much to bare.

this is absolute gold, and your theory 100% checks out.

I agree with all of this. Pelosi took a misstep in saying that she opposed impeachment. If she left the possibility out there, the GOP would be making a lot more of these “piss or get off the pot” statements.

I posted this yesterday and didn’t get an answer because I was in the greys. Maybe today someone can help me out.

Cool idea, not the reality we live in though.  

Hopefully someone on here can help me out with this “lock her up”/”lock them up” shit that Trump and his ilk have been pushing. If that is something that they really want to do, and it is something that they really believe should happen, why the hell does he not make it happen. He is the president, the GOP controls

They built the raids for D1 for consoles and they worked fine. They were challenging at first as strats for each aren’t discovered. This one though seems too hard from the start. Also the disconnects and stuff seem unacceptable.

This is the dumbest take of the day. She is preforming her job, just like the rest of us have jobs. She is being paid while everyone else on the plane is paying to delayed. It may not be fair for her to take the blame, but as the public facing employee for the company, part of that job(which she is being paid for) is