Darth Vader

I have missed these

dont give her any ideas

star for the new picture

Very Stable Genius

I am sure this hasn’t aged well.  But when this game first came out I loved it.  Weapons system is pretty fun.  I think plenty of games have done what this game was better by now, but in its time I really liked it.  I would say even more than Dragon Age: Origins

It’s like they are trying to catch her in a lie or something. Please someone explain to me what the value in that is? Trump has already well established that lying is fine, and there are no consequences. 

I want to see a run off. This election was a farce. With the eyes of the country and every reporter on them, it will be hard for them to cheat a second time.

Hire only the best people”,drain the swamp”, Repubs are all very stable geniuses... I got more but let’s stop there.

It really is amazing how normalized this is now.

I fully support this decision as I have never been taken out of the grays. Tomato is a blight on this site so taking that power away from him is fantastic.

Thanks, I try my best to be.  This is the 4th article about Tennessee or Memphis specifically that Splinter has posted this month.  

Another story about my racist city being shitty to black people.  So many people in Memphis are just the worst

Oh, but my guy, Trump is super quick to take credit for good things he had 0 responsibility for!

His inability to put a complete thought into a spoken sentence is still astounding to me. Unless he is reading a teleprompter or from note, the man cannot speak. It’s like his brain is broken, and before he can finish a sentence, he has to start making a different point. Please try to read that transcript out loud and

I agree with you mostly. She fucked up, looked stupid, and hurt herself, the Dems and the Native American people. My only issue with this is the normalizing of Trumps behavior in all this. Calling her Pocahontas is racist and terrible. The stream of tweets from him were terrible. I know its becoming normal for, but we

he has been all over today. I am amazed that he continues this shit everyday with a new burner.  Seems like a small life to me, but i guess it toots his whistle

Thanks for the “Be Best” reference at the end, it was perfect

or Sarah Jessica Parker?  (I know that was mean)

+1 for an excellently topical handle

This is so true, there are too many other far more significant things happening than if Elizabeth Warren’s DNA is an acceptable amount of Cherokee.