Darth Vader

Ok, but declaring a starter hurts Saban/Alabama. If there is no rule about declaring a starter and there is no penalty besides being labeled an asshole; Saban is totally willing to be labeled an asshole. This Louisville game could be real tricky for the bammers. If Saban can get the leg up by forcing the other

My god, what if we found a Facebook post from the shooter supporting kneeling during the anthem. All conservative hell would break loose.

This is pretty minor, but one of my biggest Instagram pet peeves is posting a picture with a quote or meme on it, then in the caption below it repeating that exact same quote verbatim. For someone who is on social media so much, Trump sure sucks at it.

I haven’t gone through all the comments yet to see if anyone has said this. But, the names of all these assholes are amazing. If we were living a movie script, I think the editors would tell us to come up with different names because all of these are too on the nose. Whoever ends up making a film about this period of

A couple of years ago, I used to watch everything the World Wide Leader put on the airwaves. But, I have found that as I get older my need/desire to commit any time to any of these shows approximately 0. Maybe, it is realizing that watching a bunch of talking heads jabber on about a game has almost no value and no infl

Seems like a great guy, it’s not cowardly at all to blame everything on your wife. $100 says his lawyer is one of his frat bro’s from college.

Can you imagine the total freaking out the conservatives would have done if the Stormy Daniels stuff came out 3 months before the election? I have seen them deal with this kind of stuff for the last 2 years, but Christians really would have a had hard time with that one. “This man is God’s choice as president, all

So last election it was hacking. This election it is voter suppression.  I wonder what would happen in a fair election?

All of the right are shitting their collective pants over what happened with Cohen and Manafort. The logical leaps you have to take to dismiss those rulings is too much for a rational person to accept. 2 people in Trump’s inner circle are now convicted criminals. All reports point to Cohen having receipts on illegal

congrats on the take of the day

I love this, and I think it points towards the future.

Your CTE is showing

Maybe my statement for the reasons each side fought was an oversimplification. But, the point I was trying to make is that I was taught some bullshit and if we want real change we need to change the way children are educated about the civil war.  

I am from and live in Tennessee. Part the the problem in the south, especially among white people is the education you receive about the Civil War. We were taught in school that many confederates were deep down good people who were fighting to defend other things besides just slavery(states rights, blah blah blah).

I think everyone is forgetting that Trump is a “very stable genius”

You see fit people are heroes and fat people are bad guys. I am sure Plump (Trump) is going to be some jabba looking sob(he is). Problem is that isnt a lesson to teach a kid.

This is the most republican thing I have seen in a long time. No we aren’t going to change the laws to help keep kids safe and stop mass shootings. Instead we are going to capitalize on parents fears and market new “school shooting proof” items to the masses. They are cashing in on mass school shootings and fear. This

I don’t understand the political motivations behind bringing up something from 2 months ago. I guess they are trying to deflect attention away from the embarrassment of the parade or the Manafort trail?

Don’t be silly, the only time veterans matter is when they are used to fuel outrage over athletes kneeling during the anthem. No republican lawmakers actually cares about their well being.

Holy shit, what if Colin Kaepernick shows up and takes a knee during the national anthem?