Darth Vader

Not all movies deserve to be treated with this kind of blind reverence. No one is going to convince me that the knowing how someone dies in Rush Hour 2 is going to ruin the movie for me. I don’t think you fully grasp the average film audience member. People do not solely go to the movies because they want to

There is a big difference between art and entertainment. The mood you are in a the time you decide to watch a film or show matters. I watched The Revanent as a piece of art. It was brutal, but I appreciated the piece of art that it was. My wife was curious about it after I mentioned it in conversation. But when I told

Maybe this is me being a little too nit picky, but when people use capital and lowercase letters in same word on a sign like that it drives me crazy.  Did this dude forget how to draw a uppercase B when he was writing ALAbAMA? Why is just the d in WORdS lowercase? Is FINEbaum a play on words I don’t understand? No its

Got any Q level clearance insight to the US and Trumps response to this “threat?”  Or is this a planted story to distract us from the Hillary child sex right?

exactly what i was thinking

Something really needs to be done with Fox News when this whole Trump shitshow is over with. I know that is years from now but they are actively fueling the fire of disillusionment. Some accountability needs to be had, and I am not talking about ratings, I mean law suits and possible jail time. I understand that is

The song they play before HQ Trivia, that thing is full speed HYPE

Good, one step closer to these asshole’s being forgotten to history.

I am a Tennessee voter who will be voting for Bresden. He isn’t my top choice, but have you seen Marsha Blackburn? Yeesh! We need a splinter article on her too. For me, this is an easy choice.

Me when I pick up something and there is a spider underneath it

This is so dumb

Trump has been hinting at the possibility of domestic terrorist attack, or he went to great lengths to antagonize North Korea. He wants a war because nothing brings a nation together and jump starts an economy like a good old fashion war. Problem is, despite his best efforts, no war or terrorism has happened.

God forbid they see nonwhite person not get carded in line ahead of them.  They will probably call ICE on them.  Hell after these comments, ICE might be planning sting operations at grocery stores all over the country.

Today must be a terrible day to be a cashier at a grocery store today. “No mam, Jesus 2.0 Trump said you need a ID to buy groceries, but he was mistaken.”

I am just waiting for the identity of QAnon to come out as a group of 14 year old kids from Kansas. That is going to be freaking hilarious. I hope they make a movie about this some day, The Kids That Trolled America.

I believe they are trying to guard expectations. Even if Mueller finds enough evidence to impeach, we still need 2/3's congress to agree. I personally think Mueller is biding his time to see what happens in November. But I am also certain that the dems won’t win 2/3's of congress in November. So... If impeachment

I’m not saying I disagree with you, but that is the same dangerous attitude that got trump elected.

Well this all just goes to prove how perfect Trump and Giuliani are together.

This is obviously the work of some very fine artists. And the dumb dumb dems don’t get the artistic expression.

This show continues to be amazing. Every week they one up themselves with the level of ridiculousness.