
That guy in the picture kind of looks like Tony Hawk. Man, I wonder what he’s been up to lately.

I think I’ve got it figured out...

I love the look of this truck. Perfect combination of color and wheels. This looks to be very well done.

Another week another request to add a bar graph poll to vote on writer suggestions


Nah. I have a different strategy. A car that’s so bad, you’ll just be laughed at and the zombies would take pity on you and eat someone else.

This thing:

The truck still functions like the day it rolled off the production line

That front damage is text book “I rear ended a truck trailer hitch”.

Honest question - how many people Heel-Toe with actual heel and actual toe?  I have always done it with the left and right sides of the ball of my foot.

Tom Dotter, a Denver-area shop owner who specialized in Fiats

Only one year too soon for the immortal AMC Eagle: the Adam of the Crossover Clan.

Suzuki Sidekick/Geo Tracker. We had a workman come to the house to do some kitchen modifications and his work truck was a Sidekick and a small trailer. He said it was the best work truck he’d ever had. Small enough to get into plenty of spaces, fuel efficient, sturdy, and still had enough room inside for his tools.

Propulsive landing is for suckers. Lithobraking is where it’s at.

So here’s the plan :

David; with how many 200mm rectangular headlamps you have in your fleet you need to do a headlamp article with Torch. Sealed beams with transverse filament, axial filament, LEDs, awful replacement bulbs, relays. Aiming. Seriously, the whole smash.

My first thought upon seeing it wasUK-built Locost (that edging around the fenders, the bare aluminum chassis cladding under the hood, the ever-so-close panel alignment and a flat-plane, 2D windscreen are all classic giveaways of garage engineering and home crafting). A kit car sounds dead-on balls-accurate to me,

Wow. If Mihoshi can remember a strong password, it’s a great system they’re using at the Galaxy Police!

The Japanese got it right... In a 1992 OVA episode of Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki, the password for space detective Mihoshi was, “There once was an old lady who lived in a shoe.” (If I remember correctly.) In a later episode, her superior’s password was shown to be, “And they all lived happily ever after. Happy, happy.”