
Smokey holds up. It’s not _good_ but it is enjoyable.

I just keep thinking of this and it makes me happy.

Well, it doesn’t _have_ a front bumper, so I dunno.

That being said, we one hundred percent come to complete stops at lights and signs. Mostly cause doing anything else is lethal. Cali is the reverse: rolling stops, but heaven forbid you speed.

Note: The turbo does not have the IMS issue.

I just want round headlights. Is this too much to ask?

Crash safety though. Remember the steering wheel/airbag decorated with pretty rocks?

Technically, me.

Remember, Henry used to go camping with Edison.

Well, there’s the Tarrytown NY one that they got Metro North to raise the bridges for all the way to NYC for the dustbuster vans, so they could ship them on end, then shut down.

off by about a hundred years, man.

Tell me about the Beetles.

Amen. Add a second engine for AWD and a bit more power, and it’s everything I need.

Solid State batteries do charge faster.

Nothing: Three-five years from now, things are going to severely change, new batteries, cheaper electrics, maybe solid state stuff. And maybe the market will be back to normal. That’s what I’m anticipating.

Thank you for keeping the tradition alive.

That’s actually, again, a violation: using someone’s copyrighted stuff in commerce.

To continue on the previous statement, that sounds like the kind of thing a judge would find you in contempt for, if you do not remove the element when instructed.

I beg to disagree. The Blockchain may be IMMUTABLE but that doesn’t remove your responsibility to remove an element from it. Sooooo, either you pay the penalties or take the whole chain down, I guess.

Utility: Weathertech rubber floor mats. Purse hangers. Seat crack fillers. Change holders (not as useful anymore) Phone chargers.