
The nose, which went line-wide, always reminded me of a horsecollar Edsel.

Well, I put a few bucks in. Good cause.

... Who put big wheels on a Honda City?

I grew up in a very uncomfortable place. And when they sold the Beetle, they got an air-cooled 911. You can road trip juuuust fine in it.

I am curious as to what it would take to put a Model T back into production and make it legal, to be honest. It’d be a good college design project.

This is true, so very true. Best hire in ages, a real Torch-bearer for the spirit of Jalopnik, if you will.

How much Red Bull does it come with?

I maintain that Batman & Robin would have been a great Batman 1966 movie, it’s just the costume and set design doesn’t match the script and directing. Seriously, imagine Arnie and the rest in TV-era costumes and it works.

Not the V-6. Trust me. But it behaves weird at speed.

Oh, look, a search, mandated by the government.

Link works, and Foone does know what he’s talking about.

I mean you’re right, but this implies you were planning on more than one tire having traction anyhow. I mean, half the point of a WRX is sideways.

Once had a wild turkey decide that time to take off was exactly as my Topaz drove past. One step onto the road, flap. Two steps, flap, third flap and I got it dead center, blood and feathers in a parabolic arc. Bent the hood, broke the grille, and left most of an egg in the airbox.

Got stuck in a Sonic after an accident. Then promptly had a blizzard. Was pleasantly surprised by how well it did when the roads were unplowed and deeper than the clearance.

That could be a factor of rear seat comfort and accessability, but you’re very right.

Look, we know the stats on the Panther platform. Specific vehicle aside, what’s the story on used Chargers: Do they survive as well? I mean, it’s simple enough I can’t see why not, but the suspension might wear worse.

Six speed manual. VVTi, and a taller final drive than the Celica.

This was good enough for a small family once, gets 25+ mpg (Some saw 40+) and makes you smile.

... You know, it’s not rare, but a Beetle and maybe a T1 would make me _happy_ if I saw them in a museum, being treated with respect.

If I had to guess, a map the cars are using does not show the dead end, but shows it as a low traffic through street. They ‘see’ it as a more efficient/low traffic path to whatever, and divert up it.