
Penny Arcade: What year is this? Is it 1999 again?

My 87 Topaz. Bumper sticker as follows:

Solid state batteries are coming, and those aren’t temperature sensitive.

My 07 was... interesting. V6, same rough specs as a 350z. After a little work, I wound up doing something really inadvisable with a hot rodded Foxbody for about ten miles and keeping it behind. Parked it, and walked down the street, guy parked next to me and demanded to know what it was. Gobsmacked to find out it was

It is the car I was driving when the turkey tried to cross the road in front of me.  Hit it neatly in the left headlight, sending it sailing over the car in a spray of blood and feathers. When I cleaned it out, found most of an egg in the air filter.

Had one. 87. Would only run if it was left alone overnight, or if you poured a liter of water on the alternator after driving. Note: I replaced the alternator, the problem persisted. So many hoses, never figured half of them out. Was the proud bearer of the following bumper sticker, for a reason.

Chili Biscuit is composing a reply.

There’s a private parking lot by me, some business or other, uses them, and it works fine, no heavy rebuild noted in 15 years. Location, New York, so cold, snow, heat, rain, are all present.

I apologize for the iDrive. I had a Microsoft Strategic commander and the idea of a mouse that stayed in one place looked like it would make everything better. The engineers didn’t follow the feedback I gave. (more haptics, damn it)

... It’ll probably be electric, but... technically possible.

Focus ST. Unhinge glovebox, pull, replace.

Oh, man, I knew that but no idea where I learned it. Thanks for bringing that back.

This car is now a TV star.

God, that in baby brown was the car I ruined in high school. Good times. Stuffed an entire stereo system in it with turntable, could only exit or enter through the hatch.

Yeah, a junkyard steering wheel probably has the bag blown on this new a car. Can’t hurt to look though.

I have a 2018, purely mechanical seat. It confuses people.

Heyyy. So that’s what they’re called!

I just throw mine in the back of the WRX... (This is actually true) Seriously, the MV-1 is a star of the local Acess-A-Car scene and I’m sorry it’s dead, it works so well.

We bought a Jeep. How else do you think we did it?

I agree with the Karmann. Slow car fast, and there’s a surprising commonality with the 911 or 914 depending on where you’re working on it. Everything is documented well, and great to learn on.