
Wow. Look at that engine bay. For a car of this era, I expect five million rubber hoses doing weird cat converter things. And a original radiator, that thing jammed and rusted in seconds. Unrestored, and in solid shape. Beautiful.

Congratulations, if the name change was for the logical reason! Are you going to need a second Beat now?

100kph=60mph. Do you really need to know anything else?

I’m going to admit it, I like the effed up vibe Twitter projects. It feels more real.

Oh man. Memories right through the back of my head. Thanks.

Earliest I remember is ParanoidDude, then Paranoia. BBSes. Still exists: Some cDc stuff or related places, back issues of 2600, and the credits of at least one GURPS book. Amusingly, I now count the authors of that book as friends.

I remember when I got my hands on one, I had to sit cockeyed, because the transmission hump was so wide. Most powerful car I ever drove, but only the second fastest after an outlaw 911.

They’re just making up animals. What are they going to use next, a Puma?

Thing is, I know three batteries in development that promise 40+ percent improvement in capacity. Or only 60% the weight.

Somewhere between 3/4 and empty, or Friday, depending on this car. Other cars... The Impulse’s gauge didn’t work, so 150 miles. Period.

If Prof. Goodenough’s glass battery _does_ work commercially, we’re looking at electric planes. (He invented the lithium ion battery we all use)

I’m happy. This says, I don’t buy a Ford, I won’t get ads on my info screen, right?

Awwww yeaaaaaaah.


All I have to say is...

To spark joy.

I have questions about the legality of removing the Park mode. I’m not sure but I remember _some_ laws that require keeping automatics in park and not neutral.

Switch was fine on my CJ-7, if that’s the model I think it is - sticker matches. Saves a lot of gas, pretty reliable.

I heard Lucas is getting into the EV component business...

Why not replace that knife with something TSA-acceptable and with a bit more utility?

Why not replace that knife with something TSA-acceptable and with a bit more utility?