
God I miss the GSX.

That is a really good system, but probably too complex for the pickup.

My favorite is the one off half-a-jump a bit later - they rock the sucker back on its wheels and KEEP GOIN.

Note: I’ve worked with F1 and NASCAR and CART. I can appreciate all of them. I’m just saying that this is racing with joy.

Now playing

Flying jumps, rubbin’s racin’, turnin’ so hard your vehicle is on three wheels.

Exactly. Conker’s right, this is how FPS rolls.

That would make sense but a lot of these proposals, going back ten-twenty years, involve sticking GPS on people’s cars so they know ‘oh you’re driving inside city limits so we can tax you’.

First Gear: I don’t mind a tax based on my odometer, but I’m not a fan of mandatory GPS tracking of everywhere I go.

I’ve had chocolate soda. It’s pretty good.

I had a 15 degree driveway and that’s how I used to get out with the Topaz. Aim for the top, spin slowly down, back up further, aim for the top, spin slowly down...

... good lord, brain skipped a cog there, yep.

Yeah, in our case it was ‘you need 37 different screws to work on this car. This is why your maintenance costs are so high. Because you need a complete set _per_ repair. You can’t just have a stock of number eights and keep using them.’

They were really great to work with. Fantastic. The real trick is to reframe things around “Alles en Ordenung” and then they get it, the hard part is shifting their perspectives.

I mean, I apologize to Miss Mercedes, and to my hard work, but it’s the Beetle, the all time champion, the hardest working car in show business.

He is a former member of the Cult of the Dead Cow, though.

Well... there was the first time I put the Beetle back together and it, uh, sort of started itself, was in gear, and wandered off till I dove through the door and slammed the brake. Does that count as autonomous?

This. A C3 is simple, well documented, and just _begging_ to restomod into a drift missile.

Still my favorite single Vette look ever. It’s an antique but _daaaaaamn_ it’s got style.

Were you part of the big screw battle, where we convinced them that, no, you didn’t need an individually designed screw perfect for every part of the car, it was a much better idea to limit the different kinds and sizes of screws to make it easier on suppliers and mechanics?

And yeah, it was easier to get them to go for the freaking R-Class than it was to get them to change the cup holders. People may laugh but that was one of our biggest wins and hardest battles.