
It was what happened when we brought in the proposal for the R Class, got ushered out of the conference room, what’s his name went in, and then we were allowed back in and discovered our papers were missing.

As a survivor of the last Chrysler merger, I can say there _is_ hope.

Yeah, military areas and college towns are places you do not want to buy cars.

I’ve had nothing but good relations with a number of Jersey dealers, but the NY ones are a mixed bag - one of them in a college town was pretty horrible, they only wanted to rip off college kids, and not deal with a local adult.

Nice! Mine was taken in the Mercedes museum.

Hm. Couldn’t find my photos of the 35 PS. Have something just as interesting.

Eeeh. The OG one is a freaking huge 4, and you can add a turbo or even two pretty easily, and it becomes a buttery smooth monster. 

Mmm. A project that hasn’t been screwed up, and it’s got some solid memories of a less uncomfortable place than the back of the VW Bug or the 911.

The ‘jump your hood open’ routine is common on 996 era Porsches. I keep having to do it to the parental’s.

I do need an adapter to fit my US plate on my WRX’s nose, admittedly.

So THAT’s where that old thing came from. I always wondered.

The nice thing about USAA is, no matter how I drive, I know I’m not anywhere near the worst drivers they have.

‘84 Topaz. It would only crank when the engine was off for at least two hours, or if you poured at least a liter of water on the alternator.

Quite so.

This looks designed to provide a quick and easy method for ‘brigading’, or basically wolf-packing on designated targets.

It’s all about the unsprung weight, the sidewall width, and the size of the contact patch. I know my tires are wide, and I know I pay for it at the pump, but they’ve paid for themselves in the ability to stop and turn over the years, you know?

Joe just wanted a ride in the new Vette.

I look forward to them implementing this with the current electrical grid. Of course, we’ll have to try to sell carbon credits to offset the constant forest fires it’ll create as the power lines short out...

The best kind of correct!

That’s Skyfire.