
My Geo Tracker agrees. Good times, good times.

Electric is really resistant in water. I think they said the Bollinger was good for like 20 minutes fully submerged before you’d have to care, and I think Tesla’s pretty close. I mean, not something you want to do, but there’s videos of Teslas doing the old VW Beetle float. No air intake helps a _lot_.

So much torque. I used to call mine the Gorilla, cause it felt like I was riding in one just grabbing the road and throwing the car forwards.

After careful consideration, eff the V8. Gimmie a hybrid Bronco. I can’t _wait_ to see how regenerative braking can help me go down some nasty transmission-killing stuff, especially if we can crank it up _real_ high. And, of course gobs of torque off the line.

This was the most fun game ever, for a while. Not too intense, not too challenging, just pure entertainment. Good times, good times.

Minor note: As far back as at LEAST Journey Into Mystery 105, it’s established that machines can lift Thor’s hammer, having no soul or volition of their own.

Which leaves the possibilities that A: crab mode is not what we think, B: tank mode, or C: this suspension setup is a lie.

Ah well. Hm. Look at that. I’m not seeing the setup needed for Hurricane style crab-mode either.

I think you could get more articulation with in-wheel - as in over 90 degrees of turn.

In-wheel motors for even more extreme articulation?

Thank you. Lot of it was bad, but the scariest part was the next day, when everything was shut down and the roads were empty. The City That Never Sleeps was hurt bad.

Neutral: Was on my way to work. Saw the first plane flying low over Manhattan. Lost a friend. Almost lost three.

Now playing

I’m just wondering where the weak point is. High center on that for massive damage!

The answer is always ‘busa. It’s the law!

No, I disagree, the GS had the rotary available and for sale to the public for at least a year. That makes two. I mean you wouldn’t say the Mustang didn’t come with a 6, even if they just sell the 4 and 8 now.

I think it’s more like a game of pick-up-sticks where the sticks are also on fire.

@infinitescream you out there buddy?

I was replying to your statement of ‘there was one other’. I mean, it’s not like I mentioned the Vette, now is it? 

I will double-agree with that.