
Huh. I think this counts as a Brazilian VW variant, doesn’t it. Someone show this to Torch.

Oh look. It’s a large flat white object. Seriously, most other Autopilot crashes seem to involve them.

You know you want to drift it. You know it.

You... really should learn about the RS.

Not this year. Later models.

Plenty of room, too.

Oh, my baby. I had the Turbo RS, but it blew a coolant hose at a very bad time and, well, engine reduced itself to a solid block, but it was so light, it had such good handling, and it had eyebrows. (Yeah, the lights don’t go up, the covers do. All the style of flip-ups, none of the hassles.) The pods remain

You’re telling me that’s not a retro look?

Those. Sides.

I mean obviously the answer is Tucker, but...

At least three of the fenders are dented, I think. (left front had a ding too)

Dad was a consultant to all the german car companies back around ‘00, it’s kinda incestuous, and he pulled off... something I misremember, and there was a big office party for it, and somewhere in the alcohol, Ferry and him wandered off and there was a mostly empty box, and Ferry said ‘Here! It’s the last one, take

I know. Alien Crush is the full on Giger, but Devil Crush is a better game.

It’s a pleasure to meet you online, sir. I don’t know if you’d know my dad - he was the one who wound up having that stolen 935 engine in his 911 that he bought second-hand, if you know that story. I won’t say anything _more_ identifying in public.

Shoot, Ferry Porsche gave my dad one for free at a work party. It really needs to be polished, but hey, who doesn’t like silver. (He said it was ‘the last one’.)

Good times, good times.

Mr. Akin was always a great guy and a family friend. It was a real loss when he wrecked.

Reminds me of 60s Beetle culture a bit, honestly.

I have questions about snow and shoveling damage but it looks good.

One hundred percent agreement here. You could lead parades in this old girl.