
@WillDenham: I agree. I was looking at the first chart, and it seems they just counted unique device names when compiling the chart.

@Methossa: To be fair, I don't think there is a person on this earth who ever finished the original TMNT. If there is someone who has ever beat it (legitimately), surely they were raptured unto heaven on the spot, returning their blessed gaming powers back to the Creator.

Hey Mr. Lion,

@robot-shmobot: I'm with all of you on this. Love my N1 and while I was tempted with the G2, the only reason I actually wanted it was for the physical keyboard for 1.) more precise typing - as you guys have mentioned there are some funky issues with the touchscreen and 2.) old-school emulators. Of course, when I

@jeric2k5: Indeed. My roommate just bought one to replace his G1 and I couldn't believe how much more smoothly the app browser was scrolling compared to my stock N1. Overall, it just felt snappier than my phone, which was no slouch to begin with. But holy crap does that HSPA+ fly...

Ugh...OK, fine, you win! I'll give up eating McDonald's. Geez, I get it. It's bad for you. Happy now?

Aww, they missed a golden opportunity by not having the auction one day earlier.

Toss in one of these, Nintendo, and you can have my soul.

@TheJabberwocky: Indeed. It was a blown opportunity by Google on multiple fronts. I'd like to think that with just a little bit of marketing behind the phone, the phone-scape would have looked a little different today.

@TheJabberwocky: I'm with you on the rooting/custom ROM thing. I've tossed around the idea before, but other than being able to install setCPU and underclock my CPU when not in use, I'm not seeing a need to do it. A curiousity, yes. But a need? No, not really.

Not to downplay the importance of any of the writers here (you guys are great), but to be perfectly honest, 95% of the reason I actually clicked and read those articles were because of the lead Lego shots. I'm sure I'm not alone.

@patranus: That was my point. I know how Google makes their money. What I am curious about is if their method for targeted ads is going to be implemented into their TV service, with ads correlating to your viewing habits and interests being pushed to you directly.

@patranus: You know, I'm ok with that. Not sure if Google is doing anything of the sort, but I'd be totally cool with only seeing commercials for crap I care about (tech, games, food) and never seeing another Kohl's ad or Suave shampoo commercial while I'm catching the last half of Gladiator.

Oh, that's just great. I was all set on the Dark Knight suit for when (not if) I finally got a bike, but with this, now I don't know what I'm going to do. :(

Pardon my ignorance, but are the trucks used for anything else? It seems like they are part of a race team and could haul equipment or something.

While I can't deny it's creative and very well made, I hate the crap out of it.

@cheeezwhiz: Hmm...considering how you define nickel and diming, I see what you are saying.

Could this mean a 2012 Ram SRT-10? Crossing my fingers.