
I also found this episode disorienting. I think one can tell a story about women with men's stories too however. I believe I get the point that a story about silenced women could become a parody of itself when the men in the story start talking over the room. I thought this episode was trying to show the moral

Good point.

I'll sleep better now.

Ten Years Gone, Led Zep

I think changing the context of any artist's work without consulting them is pretty shitty.

When I was a kid I wanted them cooked hard. I couldn't stand anything that reminded me of the gelatinous core of a chicken's vagina stone. Now I want them fatty and decadent like a pate'. I like them cooked slow with lots of butter. I pull them off the burner while there is still a bit of water from the white still

God's not dead but he might want to lay low until this all blows over.

God, Mad TV sucked.

Hey man, I liked Maximum Overdrive. There are plenty of bad King adaptations but there are also many undeniable classics. Shawshank, Misery, Green Mile, Stand by Me, Carrie etc…

Mayella Ewell joined the Manson family…

$300,000 each right?

In the previous scene he says he owes her one and to name it. She immediately knows what it is. The wannabe mean husband looks like little time has passed since he berated Chang. I guess, as in Big Boo's back story, that they are using the circumstance to indirectly explain why Chang landed in jail. I agree with

I didn't think she was in charge of the smuggling ring. The moonwalk guy was returning the favor for saving his life. That's why he was doing what she told him.

Totally agree on Southpaw Grammar.

This movie does not need this many words said about it.


Bert didn't foster Don, Sterling did. Bert had no reason to fear Don being a rival. They did not work together in any real sense. Bert had no accounts that he managed, Bert did not do creative work. The purpose of the Bert Cooper character was a window into a past era within a window into a past era. You're trying

Nah, Bert tolerated Don because Don made money for him.

I think to be a father figure in any sense would require some depth to the relationship.

Cooper didn't even seem to like Don all that much.