
They were. This still doesn’t make me want to see WW.

And the guy who’s tweet calls this film a “flawless superhero movie” is a respected critic, right?

No, they’re the same kind of tweets from fans who were treated to an exclusive screening.

Weren’t there positive early reviews for BvS or am I imagining an alternate timeline?

This comment needs a do-over.

Get out.

A turn of events that undoubtedly occurred because of shadder2k’s moment of Mercy, butterfly effect style.

Yes. Yes, it is. Adorably boopable little snoot.

I’m sorry but snakes are not cute. Puppies are cute. Kittens are cute. Rabbits are cute. Snakes? Nah.

And this is why I would never, EVER, seriously consider living in New York city.

I just grabbed a snack from the office kitchen. Thanks, I am now no longer hungry.

Once again, the “Simpsons did it first” rule applies.

Lol, I love that there’s more outrage about you hating Alan Wake rather than the game reviewed by the article itself. The people demand answers, Heather!

Wait, Heather, are you implying that other than those two games, you have finished every other video game you’ve ever played??

I’m offended, I love love loved Alan Wake

Maybe I’m missing something, but seems like the smart response would be to just... stop. If it’s such a hassle/pain to cover Nintendo, cover somebody/something else. I’d be inclined to argue, in this day and age, Nintendo needs you more than you need Nintendo. You shouldn’t be paying Nintendo to, effectively,

Naughty children get put to bed

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

Cool humble brag bro

I know I’m a bit high at the moment but what the hell did I just read? Like, is it me or does this article consist of mostly rambling incoherent thoughts? Should I be doing shots every time I read “Suicide Squad: The Extended Cut”?