Noblesse Oubliette

I hate babies when they are using their men costumes.

Single Prayer Healthcare.

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

What is it about conservatives that allows them to easily shrug off morally reprehensible bullshit from their representatives like that? “He doesn’t really think all Mexicans are rapists. Don’t take him so literally.” “Oh he won’t really repeal Obamacare rather than fix it. You’re being too literal.” Fuck everyone

Monopoly...uh...finds a way.

Yeah, Monopoly made a huge mistake in not limiting the number of pieces from each category. They should’ve had separate votes for one animal piece, one household item, and one vehicle. Five animals is ridiculous. I’m never going to buy Monopoly now.

Oh c’mon. T-Rex is bad? How could you not love this beauty?! OK, it’s not mighty Triceratops but still...

Nope. Grew up Irish Catholic. There’s no way that is an Irish anything. We don’t forget the things that make us sad. We stew over that shit until our birthday and end up in a fistfight in the yard with Dad.

The fact that antebellum debutante Lindsey Graham might be all that stands between us and this lunacy is a truly terrifying thought.

It’s used as an excuse to imprison black and brown and poor people to extract cheap labor from them. It’s not about public safety and never was.

I still don’t understand how this fucking goblin is our president. I mean, I do, but HOW IS THIS FUCKING GOBLIN OUR PRESIDENT?

He sounds like a person who hates people because of their race (not calling him a racist, because we don’t do that here!)

Someone suggested WealthCare which I thought was pretty succinct

I’d like to make sure this brilliant observation is noted:

listen. wypipo gonna wypipo

It’s just light treason.

Fuck off with this patronizing bullshit. I’ve seen the movie many times. I “get” it. It’s just that the plot is stupid and the over-arching concept behind it is nonsensical.

Ever since somebody pointed out that the plot makes no sense, I haven’t had the heart to rewatch it.

Hi blue brethren didn’t step in to help him?

I like the drag. It re-emphasizes that women are perceived as less than men. Craig loses power by putting on a dress, he becomes less than. If a woman were to put on a man's suit (the suit that he was wearing) she would gain power. Man as woman= silly ridiculous. Woman as man = serious. The whole women should aspire