
I think their build quality is very good and within the top range, occasionally they are top of the range, but its brief. They are just very competitive. Unfortunately for me, they have created a impenetrable wall for adoption, as developer their closed ecosystem is not just frustrating to work with, I find it

I am one, so now you have! I wouldn’t go back to Apple IOS. Android is way more developer friendly and I am a coder.

I think this was true maybe 5 years ago, now the quality gaps are minimal and in some categories they are falling behind the curve and of course a couple they are still ahead.

Same, If I’m on wifi i’ll be doing something more interesting than touch to jump.

My coworkers and I had a competition. We all guessed how the finale would play out and saved them in a lock box. Between the three of us, we guessed every single reveal and key plot moment, Fords death by Dolores, the escape being rigged, Dolores is wyatt, Bernard coming back and assisting, etc. Ending was very

Truth. My first question was “Can it live up to the disappointment?”

Nothing is new about this culture, Americans wanted to stop rock music because it was satanic and more recently South Park went from offensive to mild without ever changing its content, we’ve actually made a ton of progress.

Thats a typical game development trick to lower rendering cost. They’ve had to stop doing in in VR because it looks really silly.

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if companies like Intel didn’t have the capital to invest the $10.6 billion dollars it cost to research and develop new technology? Or if drug companies didn’t have the capital to invest in drug development? Think of the collective progress we would make if every-time a company has

Vice City was my favorite by far, the escapism of the period setting just took it over the edge.

It’s super clever design. If its cheap enough I’d get it and I haven’t bought any of the new consoles. But what a clever set up, play anywhere and have an almost at home console experience on an airplane, smart. Only issue is that screen will be tiny for multiple people split screen

Would be nice if Blizzard implemented this is as a formal feature. If enough people report someone is a cheater on both sides, the game draws.

I’ve never even played Final Fantasy V but its always captured my imagination. Some how this concept artist managed to capture that same unexplainable magic.

H1Z1 king of the kill

Its also the only answer because people might deliberately exploit the programming and kill drivers.

Agreed, 60-70 hour weeks are the point where you can still have a bit of a life and recoup, I can do that for a month or so. But 80 hours is total burn out, I feel like they must be counting a lot of busy-work to say that’s possible for 10 years and wow, even if you managed that, great job you only live once and

You probably already know this, but for others interested, the AI isnt a state machine, its a convulotional neural network

That makes him smart...

Yeah, it honestly looks ok for a crouching simulator. I think it could do with a bit more options to how your crouch but overall the crouching looks solid, if not a little tiring on the knees. Not sure if ill be picking up, might wait for the Crawling DLC.

I expect this game to never get finished, a big part of me thinks that his former company made miracles happen with kojima, they were willing to make 40 minute cut scenes that over ran the budget, but now he will simply run out of money and talent. That’s not too say I don’t love the guy, he’s great, but I just don’t