
1988 is my fav, he’s adorable

It cost infinity $140 million to make COD, so why wouldn’t a group of teenagers with no game design experience, $20k and vape skills be able to make a game with the same features and polish as COD? It’s hard to pin point what went wrong.

Only Nintendo has two space exploring Mario games where he explores other planets to rescue the princess. Which would make it an SNES mario clone with Super Mario Galaxy planet levels.

I feel like it would be easy to argue that it was not a parody. It seemed to borrow heavily from two IP’s Mario and No Mans Sky, it seemed like a mashup, but I didn’t see the style of either game being exaggerated for comic effect. I felt it looked like a Super Mario game with a space exploration mechanic.

I agree with the idea that Eli is the main source of motivation in Half-Life 2 and its weaker because of it. As a player though, my main goal was to find out more about the G-Man, with that said, the game can easily go on without Eli. Game of Thrones proved that a main character doesn’t have to be the center of the

I’m just messing with you budz :P just making sure you’re not worried about the cgi character being objectified.

Why are you shaming women that wear revealing clothing. She can wear whatever she likes. Don’t be so 1950's.

Judging by the graphics, this must running on the new Nintendo NX

The great thing Guardians of the Galaxy did was develop the characters and their backstories without ever looking backwards in time, there was no meaningful flashbacks for the raccoon or groot and it didn’t matter, because they grew on set.

Grumpy cat. Playable character I hope.

But what do you use it for? Computers are already programmable...? Linux is already an operating system...?


Stop Motion movie please.

It’s like asian George RR Martin

if they can learn from rayman legends, then maybe ill play

I think a lot of people, like me, do plan on seeing the movie even if its not amazing, they just can’t justify seeing it in a cinema.

I bought the 2DS, great system, honestly, portable is the only thing, I think, consoles can be to stay relevant because good graphics just isn’t enough anymore, everything has good graphics now

I quit the console cycle after the xbox 360, never bought into the idea that xbox one or PS4 have value. Low range PCs are way too good now.

I think if they interviewed modern Spyro, his response would be “I like turtles”

Reminds me of when Jeff Daniels sat me down and demanded I “Learn Mandarin” I refused stubbornly, reminded him my passion for french and he cut me off and scoffed, “Im from the future, learn mandarin!”