You can’t afford to fly to Mayo Clinic and pay out of pocket for highly advanced medical care? Get a job, moocher, and stop livin’ off mah tax dollars.
You can’t afford to fly to Mayo Clinic and pay out of pocket for highly advanced medical care? Get a job, moocher, and stop livin’ off mah tax dollars.
I’m using books. There are a lot of them now, which was not the case ten years ago. And given my experience with therapists, I honestly prefer a book.
it’s illustrative of the click-driven nature of contemporary journalism that these claims are just accepted at face value with apparently no or very little investigation
I’d like to believe that someday I can practice this. I know for a fact that day is not today. The lack of anyone specializing in my particular disorder in my area doesn’t help.
I once had to run from an ER nurse who was trying to give me a shot of something I had just told her I was allergic to. Thank god I was conscious and mobile.
And everybody agrees on that, too. But god forbid anyone try to fix it.
I spent $800 on diagnostics only to be denied coverage for treatment.
It makes me stabby that I have to deal with all the same bad shit people say will happen if we have single payer AND I PAY THROUGH THE NOSE FOR THE HONOR.
I find it especially reprehensible when seriously ill people are forced to fight for medical treatment when they are least capable of fighting for anything. We have a sickening, revolting system in place that can only be defended by sickening, revolting people.
And I thought I was perhaps being pedantic when I added a sarcasm disclaimer to another comment.
Fake news. My senator told me no one has died from lack of health insurance in the U.S. She could of just gone to the ER.
Meniscal tear is hardly fatal but after months of trying to arrange treatment/paying for it and still not getting it done before the end of my deductible period, I gave up.
I actually bought this. I realized only after the fact that insomnia and 2 AM infomericals are a fatal combination. Spoiler alert: it didn’t work.
LOL, I’ve actually done the Jane Fonda original workout on YouTube. And I did one TaeBo video where the participants counted 1-8 on the beat THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME. I felt like I was being brainwashed.
My parents actually mocked me for wanting friends. I kid you not.
I was astounded when social media hit full swing and I saw how gullible so many people are. I honestly didn’t realize it until the fake news thing was in full swing and I saw with my own eyes how shitty my friends and family are at interpreting information.
Meanwhile, I was left alone way more often that was good for me and now can barely stand being around other people.
I don’t even remember how I learned a lot of that but it’s really handy knowledge when cooking. Esp. when you live alone and frequently need to halve/third/or even quarter a recipe. (Math helps there, too.)
Thank the gods that I got old school, comprehensive, heathen godless California, late 80's sex ed. Because it was the ONLY sex ed I got. Except that time I was introduced to the clitoris by stealing skin mags from my friend’s older brother. (I’m a chick so an important source of sexual pleasure never being covered in…
The books I’ve read about intuitive eating all said that my weight would normalize when my eating did. And never really addressed the fact that losing medically excess weight requires eating in caloric deficit, which is not “normalized eating.”