This thread reminds me of extroverts versus introverts. Both groups have value to society, both characteristics are pretty much hardwired, but society values one group over the other so the other one is pretty effing bitter about it.
This thread reminds me of extroverts versus introverts. Both groups have value to society, both characteristics are pretty much hardwired, but society values one group over the other so the other one is pretty effing bitter about it.
I miss the job where I got to sleep from 12 AM - 8 AM. I slept like the gold medalist of the Sleep Olympics. Then I got a promotion, have to show up at 9 AM, and have had chronic insomnia ever since. :(
I actually keep my inhaler on my nightstand. #prescriptionmedabuse
Just dragging my sorry carcass out of bed is about the hardest thing I do every day.* I do my best, but I simply can’t, every single day, muster the most willpower and fortitude I’ll need for that day when I’ve been awake a whopping 5 seconds.
Mine helped for two weeks, then I was back to my usual late self.
I find food revolting until I’ve been awake at least two hours.
I once saw a protein shake ad that said I had to drink it right before bed or my body would go into “starvation mode” while I slept and break down my muscle.
I eat breakfast when I’m hungry for it. That may be 8, it may be 10. It’s never right out of bed. I actually find food disgusting early in the AM. And despite the conventional wisdom that “THIN PEOPLE FIRST THING IN THE AM!!!!! YOU WILL BINGE IF YOU DON’T!!!!” I lost 90 lbs eating when I’m hungry and not before.
I’m glad you all are experts about the norms of the profession I’ve spent my adult life in. I most certainly need to re-educated by the internet.
Because you value what matters. I’m training people to work in a field where presentation matters as much as substance. I don’t like it but that’s the way it is.
Nothing bad happened as a result, but there was the time I chiseled off a piece of the cow’s salt lick and worked on it for a few days.
I’m a vodka martini drinker and I second this. I never ask for a “martini” because I fucking hate the scent and taste of juniper.
I think for most people that is accurate. But I’m a university professor in a subject known for high professional standards and feel a responsibility to be as good an example as I can muster in both behavior and appearance.
I’m way into clothes and shoes. I always figured no one was looking but then last year I received a series of compliments on my personal style from multiple people over the course of a few months. And now that I know people ARE noticing, I feel obligated to keep it up. Like being the stylish one is my thing or…
My parents judged the shit out of everyone but it never crossed their minds someone might be judging them.* And they raised a daughter who simultaneously judges the shit out of everyone while trying to surmise what they are judging about me. I don’t recommend it and am pretty pissed at my parents for making me this…
Once took a turkey meatloaf out of the freezer, then cooked it before it was done thawing. The interesting part was where the salmonella kicked in while I was doing a jigsaw puzzle. To this day I’m not sure how a puzzle piece ended up in the toilet. The likely answer is it got caught in my hair before I ran to the…
Armchair detectives are just as annoying as armchair psychiatrists.
A herd of FBI agents searched for months only for Jayme to rescue herself.
When academics watch TV ads: “Survey of who? What did you ask? EXPLAIN YOUR METHODOLOGY!”
Diet/fitness is the new religion. Everyone believes their way is not the just the best way, but the only way. And if you don’t do it their way, you need to saved.