
Maybe he was hoping for this:

“My ancestors didn’t think whites were superior people, only that blacks were inferior people! Big difference!”

I prefer this one, in honor of the Bundy Dildo Militia:

Tell that to Heather Heyer’s family.

“I’ve always wanted to know, because I’m a white person, how to reach into the inner city without getting shot.”

Socks with sandals.

The white supremacists have hijacked the Confederate flag and it has been seen as a symbol of hate, but it never intentionally was.”

Honesetly? We need the Connors to be Trump supporters. We need them to be indicative of what middle America was and is, and Lanford, Illinois is exactly the type of place that would be in a county chock full of Trump supporters. People that view themselves as hard working, wrench swinging, honest good working people

That’s a whole lotta people fetishizing an organization that literally took up arms against the United States of America.

I started a new foundation to promote racial harmony. It’s called “Fuck White People” and we’re trying to get those with a high caucasity to join our cause.

Billy Roper thinks he has superior genes to someone. Let THAT sink in.

Bringing in the African-American community (not the words I’m guessing she would have chosen elsewhere) to preserve the loving memories of the CSA. I’ll give this shithead one thing - she’s got a heck of an imagination.

This Roseanne episode sucks.

You say “or”, I’d be fine with “and.”

Lotta dudes named Billy.

“We don’t want our history removed. If you’re going to remove that statue, then let’s just go all over entire United States to remove every statue we have.”

I slept kinda weird last night and now I have a crick in my neck #whitegenocide

These photos are terrifying, but I love white genocide