
I spent 9 years in the US Army; i absolutely loved it, despite being a queer Latina. I only got out because of an injury on deployment. I came home, went to law school, and did my PT, with one goal - get back in (and make both of my brother salute me). A year after graduating from law school, and passing the bar, I

Does the VA cover injuries sustained while patting yourself on the back?

I, along with every other veteran or service member has risked or could have been ordered to risk our lives so you can say such stupid, irresponsible bullshit.

I have an overwhelming feeling that if he restarts the draft then the United States will be facing a heel spur epidemic.

This. As a veteran and Federal Employee, I can tell you that I worked with far more shitbags on Active Duty than I do now. Also, it’s hilarious how the USDA has to account for every inch of toilet paper in their bathrooms, yet the DoD can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want under the guise of “national

I want somebody dumber than myself to explain why the right gets to own the “Good to the Military” label when they’re likely to put them in harms way, and not take care of them when they get back. Notice, I never said the Democrats were great to the soldiers, but they do try to limit the conflicts and offer lip

I hope the GOP still has all of those rooms still reserved for the extended Benghazi hearings they were expecting to keep up after HRC won, because I’m certain they’ll have the same urgency and furor in investigating how an 8 year old American girl was shot in the neck and killed, along with a SEAL, during a raid

Oh, and the GOP ran a stellar candidate. Who lost the popular vote by nearly 3M. Who only took 8 days to reach a majority disapproval rating, beating Slick Willie’s old record by...565 days.

Judging by the results of Trump’s first tactical strike (numerous injured Navy SEALs [one dead], the loss of a helicopter, numerous civilian casualties [including one 8 year old girl]) at least you can expect your service to be brief.

Translation: I’m rich as fuck and none of this affects me except the taxes.

I mean, the term “privilege” gets thrown around a lot, but this is pretty clearly the Platonic ideal of privilege: “I haven’t paid attention to the people worried about having their life utterly destroyed by this administration because I’m going to be fine either way. I’m just going to stay positive.”

Stop making these pathetic excuses. Tom Brady being a fancy dog is a joke, not reality. Putting a hat with the slogan of a declared presidential candidate in your locker is a political statement. If he doesn’t want to stand by the political statement he made, he should say that. If he does, he should say that.

Fuck this guy. This quote alone is “fuck this guy” worthy.

Brady is to sophisticated thinking as Hernandez was to peer mediation.

Go Falcons.

“I haven’t paid much attention. I’m just a positive person.”

The man has one weakness. One day a week he eats an entire cake. He doesn’t eat the rest of the week to keep that hot suit wearing bod.

I believe in Chicago, that is known as a “pizza”.

this article just totally re-opened the wound

um that’s clearly the souffle i tried to make one year for thanksgiving for my family that somehow fell completely flat but yet also ballooned up and spilled over the sides of the baking dish and burnt on the bottom of the oven.