
I was just about to post this! Like “how the hell do they have an entire Drink section and leave off a distillery that’s right in the Strip??”

You just needed a ‘Stripes’ reference in there and I would’ve gotten BINGO.

Since when is Credible Hulk disreputable?

I think they’re making the point that (again) people conflate the word “bigot” with “racist”, but racist is appropriate in this situation. This is a government representative calling for disenfranchisement based on ethnicity - that’s what racism is.

Most of the can openers that have ever been purchased en masse are the $1.98 basic steel can openers you get from the grocery store for that one time you need to open pineapple juice for an office party. (picture linked)

The Hyundai Accent is intentionally like that though. It’s meant to be an appliance A->B car, especially in its “rental/loaner” car livery.

Saying “there’s a totally different (possibly better) way to open cans” is a lot different than telling me I’ve been doing something “wrong” for $(CurrentAge-5) years. I’m much more receptive and open to listening to the former than the latter, especially since the latter - as demonstrated - is damn near impossible

For these prices, and looking to game and perform the tasks that are being done, why wouldn’t you just buy a laptop or ultrabook?

The drugs that anesthesiologists use are the ones that are in short supply. I forget which one (or few) drugs it is, but as opposed to an operating theater where a few mg per liter are used, these dudes are being pumped with a heaping 3+ grams per liter of some of the drugs.

Seriously, how do you not hand off stories like this to Fancy Kristen?

I know a Nabisco shill when I see one, sir!

Dear Ford,

Reminds me of the old ThisBusinessWillGetOutofHand.jpg references on Foxtrot Alpha.

So your solution is Black Market bean smuggling?

Thank you for the correction, I accept it gracefully. Promise I’m not dumb, just early A.M. brain.

What? I totally love how they took a likeable, relatable actor already portraying the Flash in a spectacular fashion with true emotional range and 3 seasons of backstory

$55 for a reman rear caliper? good lord.

I’ve said that for almost two decades now - these are the same idiots that sat in my History class in high school that failed open-book tests but were “cool” because they skipped class and smoked and called people “(gay slur)“.

I’m as Liberal/Progressive as they come, but I genuinely wonder what’s going to happen when Cohen does the same to well known Democrats?

I apologize, when I said “every Amazon employee” I meant the warehouse workers and other front line, hourly wage workers. The data analytics and IT nerds (like myself) that work in the AWS data centers are doing just fine.