
Ever since the cinematics from Diablo II and the intro to WoLK I’ve always said Blizz should make their own damn movie for these things. The ‘Warcraft’ movie was ok but it wasn’t great. Definitely didn’t give me the chills like seeing the Lich King raise the undead.


No, this is Patrick!

This was in the U.S.

I’ll actually pull you out of the greys, because you make good points.
Bezos could unload $5b worth of stock tomorrow and say “I’m giving every Amazon employee a minimum $15/hr and free college tuition” and the markets would bump the shares up.

People treat it like it’s a binary “Capitalist Fiefdom” or “Lines for potatoes and toilet paper Communism/Socialism” (because the detractors don’t know the definition of either).

“Look! We let them sit at the lunch counter, too!”


Damn, this is good.

I love Mike Doocy. I always found it unfortunate that he shares a name with that chunk of dick cheese Steve Doocy - they are nothing alike.

Half joking, but is anyone questioning the members of NOPD?

which Donald Trump’s administration referred to as “Orwellian nonsense”

None of the Dunlops were killed at Isle of Man.

How did you learn to work on ICE cars?

It’d be funny if they found out the issue was parts of Vanilla WoW were written in COBOL by some nutter in a back closet somewhere they didn’t account for. 


you cant make some of that stuff up unless you have lived through the abuse.

That’s a good saying. I’m stealing that saying.

My Mk4 R32 is sitting peacefully (and functioning) in the garage. Didn’t sell it because of my first kid, and will keep it until the wheels fall off. Bought it with 12k on the clock, 86k on it now. Most R32 owners that didn’t buy theirs 5th hand and clapped out only drive them as weekend cars. A few still daily, but

Not a chance, my Hindu friend!