
I have them. I’ll send them right to you!

I was about to say impossible because I’m a guy, and then...

I’ve just seen two separate ‘Junior’ references in the last 10 minutes, and I’ve only been awake for 30.

Is THAT what they were doing?? I was like “what is this drunk ass pilot doing?”

I’d ask you to recommend me a book, but I don’t think you could give me the full title.

Motherfucker did I say “giving them a business?” There’s the problem, some of y’all can’t read/hear in complete sentences.

Where’s the lie though?

I read some journal somewhere that moon dust is akin to an even finer diatomaceous earth, and I’m willing to bet the mechanism of action is much like DE is to cells, just on an even finer level. DE both ruptures cell membranes and dehydrates cells by virtue of its structure giving extreme surface area capturing water

You almost took someone’s life over FUCKING. MINTS. You pulled your gun on someone because you thought they had taken candy???

We had JV and Varsity levels in both Jr. High and High School as well.

To give every employee at their Seattle location(s) a $15 minimum wage would cost the company ~$1.4 billion dollars a year(45,000 x 2080 work hours in a year x 15).


Probably around the same time the middle class starts feeding the ultra elites into wood chippers, feet first.

Our country is run by the goddamn Ferengi.

Compared to the billion or so people covered by the groups mentioned vs the count of the belligerents, it’s definitely safe to call them “a couple”.

The closest thing to a conservative comedian is Dennis Miller, and nobody has so much as smirked at anything he’s said since the 90's.

Donate them to a women’s shelter. They need phones when they leave literally everything behind to escape an abusive domestic partner.

So... Yes and no.

Nepal, and a shitload of Buddhists and Hindus would like a word with you...  

These are the exact types of dickheads I run into at the range that I don’t want to have guns.