So the same Michael Bennett that’s been taking the NFL and police to task by kneeling with other Seahawks in protest, is somehow - by himself - being brought up on felony charges by... oh, who?
So the same Michael Bennett that’s been taking the NFL and police to task by kneeling with other Seahawks in protest, is somehow - by himself - being brought up on felony charges by... oh, who?
The platform’s fine if you’re an individual working on a low budget.
Calling my (white) grandmother who fought with my (black) grandfather in WWII equivalent to Tucker Carlson is just as offensive as equating a large majority of black people to Don King. NOBODY wants that.
Reddit is a forum for me to find out how to re-caulk my bathtub and talk about Overwatch.
I wonder if lighter weight wheels would make a bigger difference than aerodynamic covers? Reducing the rotational mass reduces drivetrain losses, and that’s more significant at city speeds than the aerodynamics of highway speeds.
It’s either yogurt or vanilla pudding. Still a great prank.
The Amazing Jonathan had a great career as a magician comedian doing this in the late 80s/early 90s
Like magically every cop at that scene had his and every other citizens’ entire dossier in their heads, just in case they run across them. Then they have proof he “deserved it” since he was a “bad dude.”
See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil: The Return
I’m wondering if the police questioned the other three people tied up on the other side of the road?
Kurt Cobain (and a LOT of other people) respectfully disagree.
My mistake - Blew out the threads on a belt tensioner on my Mk4 Jetta.
They should do a old-timey, sepia-toned silent film with Black Bolt and comic canon Hawkeye.
“[Sent via my Marconi Wireless]”
I tweeted this exact same thing to Musk a week after he said this.
Blast! Millennials! What with your hoop and sticks and ball-in-cups and eating goldfish...
Always seems like GOP version of “states rights” is so anti-human.
Thanks! :D
Pulled over for my completely factory exhaust on my MkIV R32.
I recognize that diluted piss color anywhere - That’s Natural Light beer (colloquially known as Natty Light).