
Pro tip: Get the Royal Oreo blizzard and add strawberries. It tastes like a cup of chocolate covered strawberries.

What was the point of having both Oldsmobile and Buick? I mean, I understand that now there’s only one, but looking back at decades of cars... What was the point?


It was more “That ___ isn’t welcome in our home.”

Look at all the metallurgical properties, commercial uses, and (relative) artificial scarcity of gold, and now give it the ability to emit non-ionizing radiation.

College ex-girlfriend was from there. Things were going great, made plans to visit her during the summer. Then her parents found out that I wasn’t white...

He was a three-time small business owner who put up an asking price of $15 million, and in the same meeting turned around and sued him for $10m.

38-39* is right around the air temperature that bridges can begin to freeze. With enough wind chill wet bridges can frost/freeze as there’s no geothermal warmth to keep a consistent temperature.

Yep, 2002. The fallout from the tariff literally caused more job losses in industries that use steel than the entire industry that makes steel.

+1 EDD...WARD?

The screen no longer functioned, so the glovebox couldn’t be opened—its access is controlled entirely by the screen

Counterpoint: Pugs are garbage dogs. They’re proof of man’s hubris and that God can make mistakes.

Addendum: I believe the cover by Orgy is better.

Yep, sounds about White.

All these different running theories, and I think I have the most accurate one - he’s lying.

Yep, sounds about white.

800 Horses vs. 1.5 Cows

We’re beyond cartoon villain. Lex Luthor had the goddamn decency and wherewithal to step down from LexCorp as to not create any conflict of interest.

Definitely keep his last name as Hunt.

Fucking beautiful picture, but remember she’s not a victim here - she’s complicit.