
Same thing I thought when I watched it - that came way too smoothly. That wasn’t a dog whistle or slip of the tongue, that was him forgetting he was in public.

Point of correction: That Audi with the spherical wheels was from iRobot (fitting), not Minority Report.

“Show me where on the Internet... sshhh, it’s ok.... where Kinja touched you”

Buying a Pixel (and Pixel XL for my wife) solved every single software gripe I’ve ever had about Android. If Samsung would stop jerking each other off about how “unique” they can make their UI and proprietary app environment and swung toward an AOSP layout, they’d lead the market forever.

Simple, and unfortunately real, answer - These groups are partly classified as “Patriot Groups” and offered the same First (and other) Amendment protections as every other citizen. Their actions are only classified as a crime when they present imminent harm to person or property, or the crime has transpired. It gets

I’m in the same boat; 35 (born in ‘81) and honestly I wish they’d just nail down what demographic/generation I belong in. Either I’m the generation that built most the modern internet yet has no voice, or I’m the generation that’s (gleefully) killing Applebee’s because I had to cash out 90% of my meager IRA to put a

This again? You “read a report”? Did you also bother to read the dozens of other actual official sources, including the mayor of London and the City of London Police’s reports, that those claims are utter crap?

That’s the problem though, U.S. soldiers don’t even act like this. If they just harassed citizens like a lot of cops do here, then it makes community resentment escalate and the locals are very less likely to help them. It’s the whole “hearts and minds” tactic. Military won’t tolerate that shit and you’d end up

Holy fuck, this is gold

For me it’s less about the prayer than the hour of the day. 6am? What kind of inhuman do you think I am to be up at that hour?

You no more mine lithium than you “mine” sea salt. Lithium is a salt, and is pumped out of the ground as a slurry into drying pools. Any meme or post you see on the internet that depicts a circular open pit mine and associates it to “lithium” you can dismiss as crap.

I got to admit, @Wild Cougar, it’s folks like you that turn me off from the church and why I walked away. It’s people like you that pretty much embodies the worst part of faith.

Steve Bannon does NOT have greyscale.

I’ve been saying this for years now. Germany didn’t canonize SS officers to “remember the struggle” by building statues of them 60 years after the events, but the South did.

IF this were true, being against same-sex marriage isn’t even in the same galactic cluster as denying someone’s right to life and supporting a system of superiority based on ethnicity.

+3/5ths of a star

+1 Stick to sports reference

So, between me reading Deadspin at work and your guys’ new idiotic auto-loading articles, could you please not do this? I can’t even type the displeasure I’m in because I don’t want to get flagged and the site Websense’d.

You mean ‘Scandal’? It’s been out for years.

Hampton or Norfolk State?