
Counterpoint, just posted a few days ago:


You know who will really win this match? Giant Bag of Money™

Jesus Christ on Rollerskaes, Kinja...

1. The problem with regime change and wiping out current leadership is nation building. At least in this case, you have a population that has a vested interest in actually BEING a nation and has a history of countryhood (say, opposed to the historical nomadic agrarian culture of Afghanistan). Nation building takes

Because everyone in the USSR/Russia (and formerly, the USA) knew how to be a cool customer. They all saw the darkness at the end of the hallway of what launching those missiles meant. There wouldn’t be survivors, no ‘Red Dawn’ scenario. It would be the end of civilization, period.

Lumberjack in the Pacific Northwest?

I’m assuming he meant an enclosed shower, which would fill up with flatulence caused by the ingestion of cabbage, thereby “gassing” himself.

My grandmother just turned 80 two weeks ago.

Now playing

In case you think you’re safe, or you can brace yourself, or “it’s not that bad,” here’s 11 minutes of crashes exclusively showing the results of crashes and cab passengers.

Something something Honda F1 engines.

Clever, short, rhymes. Take a star.

“I see a yellow car and I want to paint it black...”

I mean, does it have to be WHOLE babies?

Either refs are calling fights the first time someone slips and falls and takes one punch, or they’re letting dudes get pummeled until they shit themselves (emotionally or literally).

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Gotta admit, A1 goes great on the Colorado omelette from IHOP. It’s a game changer. 

