
As a product of a mixed race couple, you can get proper fucked.

Because we keep defunding all of them. When you have no money to fix things, the things start to suck (see: the original effin post above).

Honestly? Yes.

I stand corrected. Thank you!

Wow, did you need a trigger warning for this story?

Yeah, Lincoln definitely didn’t say that.

I know, right? It’s almost like facts have some sort of liberal bias.

Ah, see, that’s the problem. You’re thinking rationally. There’s nothing rational about bigotry. The answer to each question - when you’re a bigot and faced with realities of what being black in America are - is always “Fuck that Niner.”

“Who knows what motivates people to do this?” Hammons said...

Bolen also tells Shipman he is breaking the law by not having a form of ID with him. As the Times-Union reported, the law he seems to be referring to only applies to drivers, not pedestrians.



Etherium can basically be set up as a buy/sell contract that meets certain stipulations you can set before funds are transferred. So if you stipulate the person has to have a 650 credit score, or have a certain amount of money/reserve in their account before the transfer, etc. Bitcoin doesn’t have that capability.

Yeah, if it’s sarcasm then the sarcasm tag is absolutely needed.

Single cause seduction.

Single cause seduction.

“Arbeit macht frei” seems to be a fitting banner to put up instead.

This story is funny, because this is how the USSR treated blue jeans during the cold war.

Coconut oil really has a low smoke point, it just depends on what and how you’re cooking.


Thanks! There’s a lot of other information, and forgot to answer your deep cycle question (short of the long, thicker plates allowing for deeper discharge but lower capacity/amperage).