
I know YOU’RE not saying it.

Ah, I see. Totally misunderstood your question. :)

Plumber? Electrician? HVAC? Myriad of construction jobs?

This is it. This is it right here.

I’m not sure if this is a joke I’m missing or what, but.... The gap between the pointy end of the nosecone and the rest of the fuselage (right side of picture) is the intake, like an SR-71 ramjet engine.

I like being able to sleep comfortably on flights.

Most airlines announce that customers travelling with young kids can board at the same time as handicap, so there is grouping possible as well as some priority to get parents and kids settled down (which can take a while, from my understanding).

You’re right about the distribution grid, but wrong about the plants. Generation capacity isn’t being lost by closing coal plants, they’re being replaced by gas turbine plants with greater generation capability. Nuclear is the way to go, but the federal and state licensing isn’t nearly cost effective at this time to

I first saw TDA when I was five, and I’m mid-30s now. It’s the single reoccurring nightmare that makes me get out of bed and need to be awake doing/watching something else for a few hours.

I first saw TDA when I was five, and I’m mid-30s now. It’s the single reoccurring nightmare that makes me get out of bed and need to be awake doing/watching something else for a few hours.

Commenting for later reading of this graph

When I use my signal to get into the bus length gap in front of someone because my exit is coming up, and they SPEED UP to try and keep me from getting in front of them.

So just because “you don’t have to click on it” means it’s fine for this crap to spam completely unrelated blogs?

I’m sorry the article that you would read about the GAME that you SPECTATE was moved an inch and a half lower and you strained yourself with all that extra scrolling.

Seriously, between this nasty shit, Neco wafers, and Valentine’s candy hearts... If you dropped a crate of them (either one or all three) into Sudan you would be tried for war crimes.

“...and Californians can lighten up about water usage.”

“As to how that works, are you unfamiliar with the idiom?”


So somehow I’m painting with a broad brush yet simultaneously directing my comment at you?