Boys like-boys like-ME!

Thanks for this. We need to call out each instance of little black children being treated like grown adults and having their concerns and feelings ignored. We need to be as vocal as possible about how our children are treated (especially at school) and to talk about mental health issues in the black community. And the

I’m confused. All I get out of this story is that he’s a chauvinistic jerk-off like we already knew, but she’s also opportunistic because she had consensual sex with him multiple times, knowing he was newly married. In other words, it’s a non-story about two shitty people.

“Well, she won’t touch you, sir. I mean, nobody will. Every kid we bring in here starts crying immediately and that eagle almost scalped you.”

....and dribbled it down the front of his ratty Trump Hotel robe.” Thanks!

The eternal president tenderly holds a child, spreading warmth and peace the world over. Simultaneously in the White House, Trump briefly chokes while shoving fourteen cold French fries in his gullet. Horking a couple out on the rug, he then wipes most of the spittle off with the back of his tiny hand.

I am quite certain that these people probably never went out of their way to vote before. The nice thing about being rich in America (and most places) is that you can be fairly certain that no matter who is in power your interests will be protected. Moreover, the real way to influence policy is to be liberal with

Hitler had a Jewish doctor so I do believe you’re on to something there.

That little line of drool from the corner of her mouth.... SO SEXY

“Why wouldn’t she have told this story at the time...”


I really don’t need a spelling lesson, Megyn. Take it down a notch.

You know she was probably asking for it with her sleeping eyes and her come hither snoring mouth.

She hasn’t been perfectly toeing the line for her entire appointment.

Handler goes as hard on herself as she does on anyone else. I’m not defending Sanders just because she had fat jokes made about her. She’s a big girl in a public role, it comes with the job and she can obviously handle it.

He’s even slurring his tweets now.

Dentures + speed?

Dentures!!? Rich man has implants! No dentures. Drugs maybe, but really, dentures.

Which makes the image of Trump in the Morning even more grotesque - toothless, bald (save for an askew combover) and probably farting (considering what he eats), as Melania pretends to be asleep, possibly making fake snoring noises.

Please, Jeebus.......deal a smiting blow via a grenade-like cerebral hemorrhage.

Everyone knows the best way to have a new approach to brokering peace is just to pick a winner and go all in, ignoring the other side. That won’t promote further instability at all.