He looks like one of those ventriloquist dolls that’s just waiting to be possessed by an evil spirit.
He looks like one of those ventriloquist dolls that’s just waiting to be possessed by an evil spirit.
Kushner has the look of someone who blankly stares at the wall whenever no one else is in the room.
Next years SAT:
Well, you know what they say about guys with small hands...
Apparently, in the time of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, there were terrible rumours about that he had fathered children out of wedlock, and abandoned them and their mothers to their dismal fates. And yet, no evidence of these children or their mothers has ever been found — in a time in which meticulous records were kept. A…
I do think trump is a rapist. I also think that trump is not capable of achieving an erection.
Generational note.
Remember when Obama destroyed America when he said that if he had a son, he’d look like Treyvon Martin? Whatever happened to the US after that? It just disppearaed
I can’t even imagine the number of USericans watching old episodes of TWW* for a reminder that fiction can be more comforting than reality.
Michelle is my forever FLOTUS. This new one? Meh.
Bradley Whitford is one of the good ones. In fact, he’d have voted for Obama for a third time if possible.
Things I have turned down that were not actually offered to me:
Things I, MadPiglet, have turned down because “is probably no good:”
Holy shit, Trump’s face if Kaepernick got the cover...
And a wall between us and Mexico has zero effect on Egyptian security.
Don’t worry, he’ll launch his own magazine, so that he can name himself Person of the Year every month. It will be called THIRST. Look for it on newsstands nowhere (we all know that motherfucker can’t read anyway).
Fuck that sociopath.
These activists are just doing whatever they can to hold on to their homes and neighborhood. I think most people can empathize with that. I certainly do. And I would hope the privileged wouldn’t be so myopic as to find themselves unable to acknowledge that free art classes amount to less than a finger in the dyke when…
That’s not being savvy, that’s being opportunistic. A subtle but very important distinction.