
That 9 speed is so 2016.

I have been so hoping that Deadspin would cover this since the news broke over the weekend that AAU had banned him. This is my community (juniors volleyball), and Rick Butler has been a festering boil on the ass of it for decades. Rick Butler and his enabler wife Cheryl make me sick. I long ago stopped taking my teams

There are a lot of very good youth coaches, who you will never ever hear about. These filthy creeps are the exception, not the rule.

I think you are taking the wrong side here...

No one forced her to do anything.

Pebbles will live on forever...

And in our desperation we turned to a city we didn’t fully understand.

The people who need to be guillotined in this situation are the Miami politicians who acquiesced to him and gave him everything he wanted. Loria’s a shark and sharks eat everything in their path. It’s their nature. The real fuckers are the assholes who let the shark swim in a public pool.  

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

It was supposed to be a song called “Indiana Girl” on Full Moon Fever, but Petty and Lynne couldn’t finish it (satisfactorily). Petty worked on it for a few more years to turn it into a masterpiece.

I should note that when I showed this comic to my philosophy professors, they thought that it was the funniest damn thing they’d ever read.

What’s your take on including an original track on a Greatest Hits album?

I am wondering what else the doctor tried before he settled on “Jenny McCarthy’s half-brother with bad shirts.” But I have to figure he knew he hit it out of the ballpark the second he landed on this one.

Ford is running the risk of diluting the ST brand into meaningless drivel, much like Mercedes and BMW have done with AMG and M.

Pogs are the precursors to bitcoin made of cardboard.

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

Isn’t America an amazing country? Total strangers loaned you enough money that you could buy one of life’s necessities at less than 5% interest.

Idiot. You’re supposed to yell “NOONAN!” at that point in his swing.