I mean just look at all those nasty Millennials in that pic below. All that youth makes me sick! Going around ruining all that is good in the world! I ‘member when things were still perfect, you know, before all of them. *rolls eyes*.
It’s not a millennial thing. I’ve seen many an Xer doing the same. And I’ve seen boomers taking video at concerts with *iPads* on multiple occasions.
Even as someone that thinks American gun culture has gotten completely ridiculous and firmly believes that there are huge issues with systemic violence in American law enforcement....
It’s called Volleyball. Seriously, agility, quick reflexes, strength, it’s all there.
I’m with you on this. People need to put themselves in anothers shoes once and a while. Guy went from the youngest MVP ever, an unstoppable force in the league who would only get better as his shot became more consistent, to a broken down shell of himself due to his body not cooperating with him. Imagine having your…
Watching people go through chronic pain makes me read your opening paragraph and say “Fuck you”.
I get that he has million of dollars to ease his suffering, but when pain limits you from what you want to do, it sucks, even when you are wealthy.
I dunno, seems pretty rude of her to step on Lennay Kekua while she’s down.
Consider yourself Unforgiven.
Excellent swiss watch analogy. As a collector of quartz and mechanical watches, the selling point is definitely the “soul” of mechanical watches (the more cynical would say “novelty”) Its to say the prestige is in doing something the old way, but better. I believe this same mentality is why we will always see petrol…
I’m torn.
The 356 might be worth more even in that shape.
“Bitcoins are better than currency. All you have to do is convert it to currency (that I’m scared will become worthless at some point) and you’re good to go.”