
I marvel at some people’s disposable income. If you are willing to spend $1500 to avoid 5 hours (my average when car-shopping) of hassle then I suspect you are in quite a comfortable financial position.

A better analogy for your eating out scenario is that 2 bars who sell the same beer . One costs $5 and the other $7. The customer who chooses to pay $5 for their beer is not doing it to harm the server at the restaurant who charges $7. Is is the restaurant who is harming the server by not being competitive.

This is a system the dealerships created. It’s not the customer’s fault you don’t make much money when they get the best deal. If you don’t want to sell them a car at a certain price you have the choice not to. Just like the customer has the choice to take a better offer elsewhere.

This is a good point, and I think the question is...how much more is less stress worth? $500? $1000?

I don’t feel bad for you. You have an AMG-GT and probably a baller couch.

Was driving a 2005 Mini Cooper S JCW and wife had a (really nicely tuned) Integra GSR, she got pregnant and began fretting about cars. I secretly took the day off work without telling her and traded the Mini in on a 2012 STI for her (she was going to stay home with the baby so figured that I could drive the Integra

Wouldn’t have mattered. I work from home full-time and she doesn’t, and as part of my “punishment” she drove it to work every day. So I would’ve gotten kicked out of my own car at around 7 every morning.

I legit slept on the couch for a month after buying an AMG-GT without telling my wife.

He is giving football fans way too much credit. They didn’t give a shit about injured players way before fantasy became a thing.

“Roger, if you really want unity, you’ll have to prove it. Now get over here and suck my cock.”

Fuck Yeah!

It was a better idea than the “World Police Lives Matter” patches though

And the belt lines.....seriously? Can I not just put my arm out the window on a sunny afternoon drive? Blah, Blah, Blah crash technologies, but fuck....getting a left arm tan should not involve shoulder impingement.

They look even better lifted.

Modern cars have too much tech for their own good.

I can’t understand the love for Saab. If they were as good as some seem to think, Saab would not have lost money for almost all of the last 20 years of its existence. Ugly and dull, I can’t see anything redeeming in them. Saab should have stuck to planes.

Please build the wall. It will help keep out the New Jersey asshats.

See ya, bye!

every idiot that isnt from here doesnt understand that the majority of the shitheads that make the news arent born here; but very likely come from where they’re making the same tired old joke from (their area).