
It's like they can't land on the decent, non-shitty opinion on anything. Not even by accident. How is this possible?

That’s the kind of face you normally see after hundreds of years of aristocratic in-breeding. I’ve seen a plate of mashed potatoes with more distinction.

I think he deserves to spend the rest of his life in a supermax getting daily beatdowns from the United Bloods or Folks.

I am against the death penalty, but there are times I am not sorry to see it happen. This would be one of those times. I still remember how furious I was when Timothy McVeigh’s execution was delayed. I’ll never forget that feeling. That is the feeling I am having right now- I’m against the death penalty, but this

the capital sentencing process that the statute provides is constitutionally inadequate in practice...The results of the jurors’ good-faith grappling with the law—arbitrary, biased, and erroneous death verdicts—are intolerable as a matter of due process and proportional punishment.

I oppose the death penalty only because I worry about innocent people being executed. It annoys me that guys like Roof have no problem taking other people’s lives while being concerned for their own. He wants to live but didnt care that his victims wanted to live also.

He will never release them. Only when he dies (by choking on his own saliva in his sleep when he’s 82) will the world get a peek at the truth.

She already has that blank eyed, semi-traumatised sort of beauty. When she weds the Trumpsteak her expression won't change... at all

Sometimes I see comments saying she’s trying to look like Kim, but I see much more imitation of Blac Chyna in the things Kylie’s had done.

This. And, more importantly, the internet means that these days, that conditioning starts really, really young. I have absolutely zero problem with adults enjoying any and all sorts of consensual sex acts and depictions thereof, but I do worry about the fact that, for a whole hell of a lot of kids, porn is their first

Kylie Jenner should savor every birthday, every moment, every piece of bliss that comes her way, because once she hits 25 her mother will arrange it for her to be Trump's fourth wife.

Looks like Kanye picked it for her.

Luckily, Joe Gorga found a wife who thinks as little of women as he does. Remember when Melissa Gorga wrote a book that encouraged marital rape and pretending to never poop?

Maybe she opened a store just so she’d have somewhere to poop.

Yeah, it’s just so gross. “I wasn’t interested in her because she was a child, BUT...”

Yeah like wtf? I hate when people praise “telling it like it is”. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT ACTUALLY MEAN? Does it mean that you have zero impulse control? Does it mean that you don’t think before you speak? Telling it like it is, to me, is the mark of a stupid person.

“Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton,” Trump told Stern. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t

I’m from Philly, actually the suburbs of Philly, super conservative, white and trashy. There is plenty of racists there. I was just raised better. All I’m saying is being 15 isn’t an excuse, if you are raised right you know these things are not ok. Or even if you aren’t, you are exposed to people who don’t think it’s