Wandering Ronin

Were I you, I would suggest looking into a polyamorous relationship, rather than just an open one. This would let you find a new romantic relationship, without necessarily leaving your wife and bringing on the hardships that would result from that.

Settle down. The guy is either in high school or just out of high school. This is the time when people learn to deal with new forms of romantic rejection. For some, it’s a really painful process in the moment. And so long as he isn’t being a complete dick to the girl, I think he’s doing alright.

Re: Megamind. I had hated most Dreamworks movies (Shrek 2 causes cancer), and I was home on leave visiting my sister’s family when my brother-in-law asked me if I had seen it; I said no. So he threw in the disc and showed me the scene towards the end where Megamind makes his entrance and saves Roxy to “Welcome to the

So... Meow Meow Beanz?

Hey, it may have been a merely okay show but Ksenia Solo as a goth was the reason we kept watching! 

Now playing

Fun fact: Mark Millar once wrote a story about the teenage sexcapades of Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and Peter’s parents. It was a story nobody wanted and no one asked for.

“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”

It feels so right to have Fahey talking about the Transformers card game. Good to have you back :)

Twisted Metal 2, probably? Howabout Armored Core so all the new Souls kids can see where From Software came from?

It needs at least 5 rpgs and this

“She can’t manipulate me as easily as she can my wife”

Linkara is on the up and up I can assure you. He was part of the Channel Awesome group before leaving this year following the revelations of the higher ups shitty practices towards former female creators.

Now playing

Does that include selling your marriage to the Devil to save the life of your elderly aunt from a bullet wound that, for no explained reason, nobody else in the Marvel Universe can heal?

All right, 1st guy, let me clue you and all of the hot diet tippers and the armchair psychologists here in to the real issue here. Your girlfriend isn’t depressed. She’s not even that upset about her weight gain. She’s upset because her appearance matters more to you than who she is as a person. Here’s a fact,

Wow, do not agree with that response to LW1 at all.

Invisible Inc was great and actually very similar to RTT games. The biggest differences were the turn-based format and procedural levels. Sadly, I think turn-based stealth games are even more niche than RTT ones.

Reading this article hurt.