Wandering Ronin

Dry Land is not a myth.

*** SPOILER ***

Sounds very Yu-Gi-Oh-esque. And I mean that in a good way. Like old episodes of the anime.

I keep trying to cover one eye, but it gets jealous of what the other eye can see. Then I get distracted by the music.

Especially considering that I for one have eaten actual meat that tasted...less than spot-on.

Netflix has been releasing full seasons at once for a while now, which would make for a similar situation. Haven’t heard any negative outcry about being able to skip to the end of Daredevil or House of Cards.

My thoughts exactly. Like a lost 80’s cartoon that was unearthed and turned into Lego.

That’s what I was trying to put into words. The lines are good, the tone makes her sound flat and bored.

Chris Parnell without the grey...I can’t be that old...

Hah, the music in the castle is from SMRPG. That tickles me a bit.

If you’re a mythological Japanese duck/turtle river monster, you’re a Kappa.

I once loved a two.

I like SMBC well enough, but I find far too often Mr. Weinersmith’s hypotheses are unnecessarily misanthropic and require everyone on earth to be the absolute worst person possible. I believe he may be projecting a bit.

Then again, there are few more blindly fervent than the recently converted.

I think of X-Com, and if everyone is on Overwatch, then why are they moving?

To keep his ears warm. He already has a sweater.

Ouch, now I feel better about buying a $30 pizza.

You are not alone. I’m actually taking a brief break from OKC after a rather disheartening rejection where I finally met someone I had been messaging for a while. We got along great and had a lot in common, but once we met in person, she decided that she didn’t feel a connection. So thanks for sharing your story, it

I’d hazard a guess that it has to do with licensing and whatnot. They have the rights to use the character, but not the original sprite, or something to that effect.