
If they wanted us to pay, they would reduce the price to something reasonable.

I slowly weened myself off of eztv.it, but....it looks like not for long. : (

watched the whole thing. interesting, although he never really explained that really small number. : (

OOPS i meant <1 degree is a rounding error. Now off to watch this clip....

Don't forget google music - instead of paying $25/year for itunes match, I uploaded all music to google, and there are many great google music apps for iOS and android. Google music only works for music (up to 20k tracks), but it's a good alternative for me, who had a dropbox folder full of music (again, several good

>1 degree is a rounding error

hey nothing wrong with 12%. It should go even lower, IMO

If there weren't so much greed and pork, we wouldn't need those extra tax revenues right now.

No one said it would be easy!


i would pay a lot for a big print out of these

but it isn't May yet!

of course they both have become great operating systems...google aped iOS. android was looking to be very "blackberry" (don't know what the BB OS is called)...until january 2007.

I stay away from sony because of their rootkit fiasco back in the day, which really wasn't that long ago. Haven't trusted them since.

There is a tor browser (onion browser?)

I guarantee you it doesn't cost $26/day to make those pills. there's a huge markup, because they know they can get away with it.

Yes....I meant though, there is no way apple could move state-side and maintain those margins. The article argues that apple can maintain those margins even working in America. No way...labor is way too high here.

how is this different than that 360 degree camera they use to take pictures of these sorts of things

even though I'm a guy, I know it exists, despite what any "proof" might say otherwise.

and maintain margins of 50%? what are they smoking?