Wandering Magus

If Overwatch really took place in our own future, it’d be cool to imagine that the reason D.va uses that particular image as her mascot is because in the history books, she saw that this feminist group back in the early 2000s had that as their symbol. Kind of a cool reversal of causality in my own head canon.

“What’s the Bunny Logo stand for?”

I didn’t think people would still be playing NES games in 2017, let alone creating such a demand for them that the market couldn’t keep up, but here we are.

South Korean President Park Geun-Hye has not resigned and is not the former president. She is the current president and has been impeached. Even your own linked article states this. She remains president with her powers suspended until the Constitutional Court of Korea rules on whether to accept or reject the

This isn’t information. It’s pure anti-feminist propaganda.

D.va’s Year of the Rooster costume—a modern hanbok design—has got some Korean men constantly trying to look up her skirt as a humiliation tactic against opponents

Sponsored articles “in good light”? Like the one the Koch paid for to bash against EV’s? Right. In “good light”.

Oh cmon, I’m fairly certain I can find an issue of Iron Man where he acted petty on the internet.

I’m sure Fortune thinks that he is #2 now.

real talk: i have a friend who runs a sustainable clothing start up and they pay fortune magazine for press about them. fortune magazine is an advertorial. elon musk calling attention to that isn’t him being cranky - we like elon musk because he reminds us of the tony stark we all want the world to have: vocal CEO of

Careful with all that edge, bro!

Yeah, I remember blackberry employees telling me the iPhone would never take off. Confidence is fine, Hubris is dangerous.

LOL. Do you know anything? The Gigafactory isn’t 100% Tesla. It’s a partnership between Tesla and one of the “sources” you named—Panasonic (who currently supplies batteries to Tesla). If the other manufacturers source their batteries from Panasonic, there is a good chance said batteries will come from the Gigafactory.

You do realize Tesla does make a healthy gross profit right? They just reinvest that profit into rapid growth. But I like how you try to spin a company growing rapidly as a bad thing lol

You clearly have no understanding of the word “peace”, or much of anything else. Mommy’s teat not available?

Too bad it looks like shit.

That’s just even uglier.

Porsche go fix the dam ugly Panamera first.

I'm sorry, but I think the problem is that you have a rather quaint definition of magic.