Wan Lee

I caught a faint whiff of sarcasm there.

He married his mom, most men do.

I think the move to Monday was more about having a popular show lead in to the some of the new shows. I agree it needs to move back to Thursday, no one wants to laugh on Mondays

Howard married his mom, how healthy is that? :)

No it isn't. Seriously, what show are you people watching? TBBT is a good as it ever was, not every show is a side splitter, but I always laugh out loud several times and chuckle all the way through. The characters are developing realistically, no one's done anything wildly out of character… people do run away from

Sweetness? From Bernadette? Well maybe sometimes, she's not the most sentimental of people. And one can't be sweetness all the time, it gets tiresome and boring really fast. I don't agree that the writers threw away any charater development, I think the fight was true to the characters, they fight about money a lot,

I disagree with your take on the fight between Bernadette and Howard. I think you read too much into it. They've had money fights before, money is an issue with them, like it is with many couples, and they'll fight their way through it. Howard can't be reduced to a petulant man-child, he's there already, that's who he